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Escaping the violence of the Spanish Inquisition in the 1600s, Catalyntje Trico follows an unexpected path to the Dutch Colony of New Netherland. Creating a life in the New World tests her resolve to protect her family from the challenges they face in this isolated land that is their home. As her family faces war, weather, and death, Catalyntje must remain strong to guard against forces that could overcome them.
Her life opens a window to New Netherland, and as Catalyntje’s story unfolds, it becomes apparent that she was the only European to witness every day the colony existed.
Catalyntje’s poignant story is a tapestry woven with courage, determination, and love. It is a powerful reminder of the profound impact our individual lives can have on others, even for generations to come.

Catalyntje Trico: a Life in New Amsterdam - Lana W. Holden

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